We all have patterns in our lives – patterns of thinking, feeling and doing. But have you ever noticed that when you find yourself repeating a pattern you don’t care for, it feels like it has a motive power of its own – either forcing itself on you or “sucking you in” like some powerful giant whirlpool?
The good news is that these impressions are false. The reality is that patterns emerge in our lives only because we keep referring to and running them much like football plays from a playbook. In fact it’s our current energies that actually fuel every pattern we find ourselves “stuck” in. A hard truth? Perhaps. But we run them, they simply cannot run us.
So…where’s the good news again? Right here: no matter how powerful our bad patterns may seem, we always have the option of replacing them with better ones!
Here are two critical pieces of information you need to remember about patterns: First, patterns are constructs of your past, so they have no power to automatically influence your future unless you choose to return to and run them. And second, you always have the freedom & power to choose which patterns you run, and from which playbook.
Try looking at patterns as opportunities to recalibrate your direction, and keep in mind that they can never exist without your permission. They don’t rule – YOU do.